Friday, 25 January 2008

After Paul Potts ...

After the success of the mobile's salesman opera singer Paul Potts, with more 20M of views, that all of you remember, the truth is that we are in a dry season, I mean ... that ... there are no many phenomenas like this in the net, nevertheless I bring you two that are being quite successful, but nothing compared to Paul Potts ....
The first one called Chocolate Rain is sung by a black lad, who's become very very rich. The second one is as well advisable cuz is quite funny to watch, is a curios song, by a man, already grown up, called Tom Willet. He says wants to do a protest song, but not asking for peace and things like that ... more porno, more masochists and more pop-up windows!! (those small emergent windows so so so annoying)

And finally, again something that only the Japanese can do ... awesome!

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